🌟 Day 14 of #100DaysOfCode: SpringBoot REST Controller Testing 🌟

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#100daysofcode day 14, I continued working on my JUnit course and completed section 10: SpringBoot (Part 1) Testing REST Controllers. This section introduced me to the concept of unit testing SpringBoot applications, including integration testing of the web layer and all layers.

Key Learnings:

Essential Dependencies for Testing SpringBoot Applications

To effectively test SpringBoot applications, you need the following dependencies:

1. Spring Boot Starter Web: This is necessary for creating web applications, including RESTful services.

2. Spring Boot Starter Test: This provides a comprehensive testing suite, including JUnit, Mockito, and Spring TestContext Framework.

Setting Up a SpringBoot Web Layer Test

To test specific controllers in isolation, you can use the @WebMvcTest annotation. This focuses on the web layer only, making it faster and more efficient.

@WebMvcTest(controllers = UsersController.class,
        excludeAutoConfiguration = {SecurityAutoConfiguration.class})
public class UsersControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private UsersService usersService;

    // Your test methods here

- @WebMvcTest: This annotation sets up a test for the web layer. You can specify the controllers you want to test.

- excludeAutoConfiguration: This parameter excludes auto-configuration classes that are not needed for the test. For instance, you might exclude security configurations to simplify testing.

Mocking Dependencies

To mock dependencies like service layers, you can use the @MockBean annotation. This helps in isolating the controller's behavior.

private UsersService usersService;

Autowiring MockMvc

MockMvc is a powerful tool for testing Spring MVC controllers. It allows you to perform requests and verify results without starting a server.

private MockMvc mockMvc;

Using Request Builders

With SpringBoot applications, you often deal with HTTP requests. MockMvc provides MockMvcRequestBuilders to create requests for testing.

Example of a GET request test:

public void testGetUser() throws Exception {
    when(usersService.getUserById(anyLong())).thenReturn(new User());


- perform(): Executes the request.

- MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(): Builds a GET request.

- andExpect(): Specifies the expected result. You can check the status, content type, and response body.

Key Annotations for Testing

- @WebMvcTest: Tests only the web layer, without starting the full application context.

- @MockBean: Creates and injects mock objects into the Spring application context.

- @Autowired: Injects dependencies automatically by Spring.

Testing SpringBoot applications, especially REST controllers, is crucial for ensuring the reliability and functionality of your APIs. By using the @WebMvcTest annotation, MockMvc, and appropriate request builders, you can create comprehensive tests that validate your application's behavior. This structured approach helps in maintaining clean, efficient, and error-free code.

Feel free to check out my progress and code on GitHub.


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